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Fire Relief Information & Resources



How to make your next off-site meeting more exciting

A brand new year is fast approaching and with it comes the promise of business growth, new goals and opportunities. Companies of all sizes often plan a few days away from their regular responsibilities to plan for the future of…

Keys to Destination Selection for Group Meetings and Events

Finding the ideal destination for your next group program can be both an enjoyable experience as well as a challenging one. The destination can set the tone for the entire program. It plays a significant role in the success of…

Outdoor Team Building Activities Groups will be Eager to Try

Team building activities are often an important part of a company conference. The benefits of team activity run deep and wide. With a focus on collaboration, trust, motivation and just plain group fun, companies can discover far more about employees…

Savvy Ideas to Expand your Meeting Planning Budget – Part 2

Trying to do more with less can be one of the biggest challenges for planners. How do you produce an engaging, impactful meeting on a limited budget? In this part of “Savvy Ideas to expand your Meeting Planning Budget” we…

Savvy Ideas to Expand your Meeting Planning Budget – Part 1

Delivering a fantastic program on a budget can often be a challenge for meeting planners. It’s not always easy to stay within budget especially when there are minimums to meet and transportation to book. No need to lower your expectations…

Creating Immersive Meetings & Events Tapping Mind, Body & Spirit

These days it seems everywhere you turn there’s an organic restaurant or new yoga studio about to open. With more and more people opting for lifestyle changes that promote an overall sense of well-being, the demand for health-conscious fare and…

Design thinking for impactful meetings & events

Design thinking is a process that helps meeting planners identify challenges and find viable solutions. Its goal is to focus on the attendees’ experience rather than corporate mandates.  With design thinking, meeting planners take a strategic approach to event design,…

Keys to Meetings & Events your Attendees will Rave About

Whether you’re planning a destination meeting or a small event, creating a memorable experience for your guests is extremely important. As a meeting planner, you’re constantly striving to leave a positive impact on event attendees, often with the vision of…