EVENTSin Newport Beach

Corona del Mar
24th Annual Amateur Rose Show & Contest
Date(s) - 05/27/2017 - 05/28/2017
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Roger’s Gardens
2301 San Joaquin Hills Rd.
Corona del Mar, CA 92625
Contest Entry: Saturday, May 27 from 9 AM – 11 AM • Judging: Saturday, May 27 from 11 AM – 12 PM Join us for one of our most popular summer events, the Annual Amateur Rose Show. Enter our contest by bringing in your rose entries.
Join us for one of our most popular summer events, the Annual Amateur Rose Show. Enter our contest by bringing in your rose entries. Rosarians and staff will be available to assist you. It’s easy, just cut a few of your favorite and best roses from your garden and bring them in. If you know the name of the rose, bring that as well. We will provide the vases and do the rest of the work. You may enter as many roses as you wish, but only one rose of each variety. First, second and third place will be selected in each division with nearly $1,000 in awards.
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