EVENTSin Newport Beach

Corona del Mar
Cooking with Chef Rich Mead | Experience the Weiser Farm Potato
Date(s) - 01/29/2017
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Roger’s Gardens
2301 San Joaquin Hills Rd.
Corona del Mar, CA 92625
Learn from Chef Rich Mead, owner and chef of Farmhouse at Rogers Gardens, as he shares some recipes using the best tasting potatoes sourced directly from Weiser Farms. Weiser Farms potatoes vary in textures, shapes, and sizes; each variety inspires a different preparation. Be inspired to step outside your potato comfort zone and learn how to combine different varieties of potatoes and fresh seasonal ingredient to create your own delectable Farmhouse dishes. Field-to-fork food from Farmhouse to your house.
This event is FREE to attend
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