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Fire Relief Information & Resources

Ship Shape Pledge

Help keep Newport Beach a safe place for the community and visitors.


To help ensure the health and safety of our customers, my business:

  1. Adheres to guidelines issued by the County and State.
  2. Frequently cleans and sanitize high-touch areas.
  3. Requires face coverings and encourages frequent hand washing.
  4. Maintains capacities in accordance with County and State guidance.
  5. Monitor the health of employees.

Together, Newport Beach businesses are committed to providing a safe place for the community and visitors. As a business owner, take the S.H.I.P. SHAPE Pledge today. After signing the pledge, you will receive a S.H.I.P. Shape toolkit of printable graphics for display.

Newport Beach businesses have signed the S.H.I.P. SHAPE Pledge, a promise to follow guidelines to ensure guest safety. View the list of businesses who have taken the pledge. Thank you for your support of local businesses this season and beyond!