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What can you expect when partnering with a CVB

Getting ready for your next big program? Struggling to find the ideal destination with the hotels, space and attractions that will be a best fit for your group? Tired of pushing your RFP out to several locations hoping something will…

Valentine’s For Everyone

Valentine’s is not just a day bursting with hearts, chocolate cravings and an excuse for breakfast in bed. Of course, it’s a day for romance and a reason to treat that special someone to something extraordinary, but it’s not just…

February Food Holidays

Canned Food Month National Chocolate Lovers Month National Cherry Month National Grapefruit Month National Snack Food Month National Potato Lovers Month Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month National Hot Breakfast Month Daily Holidays February 1 National Cake Pops Day…

Best Delivery/Take-out pizza in Newport Beach

The creation of pizza came like manna from heaven. On any given occasion, a comforting classic slice of pizza effortlessly transcends us to a sense of nirvana we’ve all been looking for. Luckily enough, Newport Beach is a rising destination…

Tips for Boosting Meeting Success

One of the most commonly asked questions of meeting planners in LinkedIn groups is, ”What do you consider to be the most important factor in meeting planning”? The number one answer is, “get organized”. It may seem a little odd…

Creative Gift Ideas For Your Valentine

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! And this year with the 14th of February on a Tuesday, it is quickly becoming a week-long celebration–from the weekend prior, to Valentine’s and all the way through to the following weekend! Opening…

Shape up in the New Year

Shape Up From veggie drinks to downward dog, Newport Beach offers many ways to find health and wellness in the New Year. Taste the Rainbow A healthy lifestyle begins with healthy eating habits, says April Murray, dietician and founder of…

Experience the Great Taste of Newport Beach, CA

Newport Beach’s dining scene continues to improve and expand each year with casual local eateries, farm-to-table fare and high-end epicurean delights.  Numerous group friendly restaurants, catering to a wide range of palates have made a name for themselves in Newport…