EVENTSin Newport Beach

Corona del Mar
Date(s) - 03/07/2020 - 03/08/2020
10:30 am - 4:00 pm
Sherman Library and Gardens
2647 East Coast Hwy
Corona del Mar, CA 92625
The Orange Empire Bonsai Society will present a two-day Bonsai (pronounced bones-eye) exhibition and show featuring a unique variety of bonsai trees, workshops and demonstrations at Sherman Library & Gardens on March 7 & 8.
March 7, Saikei Workshop at 11am: In this workshop participants will develop a 12×12-inch Saikei that should remind you of a landscape your are fond of. A Saikei is not a bonsai but rather a natural blend of the rocks, trees, smaller plants, and mosses. While bonsai-like trees are important, they represent only a part of the landscape that will be created. Rock placement, balance points, importance of negative space, and how to make ‘muck’ will all be discussed. Moss is an important element of every Saikei, so additional time will be spent on identification and cultivation of moss. A Saikei is a good fit for both novice and advanced creators interested in growing bonsai trees because of he greater freedom of design of the Saikei landscape. The design possibilities are only limited by your imagination. This workshop will help you develop a living art form of one of your memories.
Fee: $90 Member / $100 Non Member
March 8, Bonsai Show at 1pm: Gary Lai, with Orange County Empire Society, will talk about the process of successfully repotting bonsai trees.
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