EVENTSin Newport Beach
BYC Harbor Cleanup
Date(s) - 09/30/2017
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Balboa Yacht Club
1801 Bayside Dr
Corona del mar, CA 92625
Artist: Robin Wethe Altman
BYC Harbor Cleanup Event! In Association with the Ben Carlson Foundation
Our harbor gives us so much- it’s time for us to show it some love right back! Come and help clean up Newport Harbor with the Balboa Yacht Club! Free BBQ for participants, prizes, and more!
Schedule of Events
Registration: 9 -9:30am
Trash Collection: 9:30am – 12:30pm
*BBQ: 12:30 – 2pm
*BBQ is FREE for Harbor Cleanup participants, $10 for non-participants* **Cash Bar**
This event is BYOC (Bring Your Own Craft)! Balboa Yacht Club is not responsible for supplying boats/boards/kayaks for trash collection. Recommended Vessels: Dinghies, Kayaks, Paddle Boards, Small Boats. Nets and trash bags for collecting trash will be provided.
Sign Up or Get More Information: bycharborcleanup@icloud.com
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