EVENTSin Newport Beach
Fashion Island
Cinema Orange Film Series: Coast Modern
Date(s) - 09/05/2013
6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Orange County Museum of Art
850 San Clemente Dr
Newport Beach, CA 92660
6:30-8:30 pm Food truck onsite
8pm Film screening on patio (as weather permits)
Now in it’s ninth season celebrating the cinematic works and of emerging and established independent filmmakers, OCMA and the Newport Beach Film Festival present the 2013 Cinema Orange film series. Films will explore art, design and cultural icons. Interactive question and answer sessions with filmmakers will follow select screenings.
September 5 | Coast Modern
Directors: Mike Bernard, Gavin Froome
(2012, Documentary, 56 minutes)
A core group of architects embraced the West Coast from Vancouver to LA with its particular geography and values and left behind a legacy of beautiful and inspired dwellings. Today, architects explore and celebrate the principles established by their predecessors. Discussions with several architects including Dion Neutra – son and partner of Modernist pioneer Richard Neutra, Michelle Kaufmann, Barbara Lamprecht, Pierluigi Serraino, John Cava, James Steele, James Cheng, and Henrik Bull give insight into what made Modernism on the West Coast so unique and how this approach is even more relevant to our lives today. StuffNItBurger food truck will be on-site for dining options.
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