EVENTSin Newport Beach
Mariner's Mile/Westcliff
Hart & Soul
Date(s) - 08/26/2013
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Newport Beach Golf Course
3100 Irvine Ave
Newport Beach, CA 92660
We were invited back to perform once again at The Tee Room in the Newport Beach Golf Course. We are so excited and want to invite all of our dear friends and fans to this Monday Night Jazz series. We had so much fun last time and want to extend some more of that great joy that we call music and want to share that with you. Great prime rib buffet and show for only $20 dollars. Great bargain and lots of friendly people to meet. We truly hope that you can come out to support live music here with us.
An intimate concert experience!
Jennifer Hart & Llew Matthews
Benjamin May on bass, Bob Forte on drums
6:00-9:30pm August 26, 2013
Prime Rib Buffet (6-8) and show – $20 donation
Concert only (6:45-9:30pm) – $15 donation
No reserved seating – first come, first served, cash only
For tickets: 949-233-5476 or hartsong3@gmail.com
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