EVENTSin Newport Beach

Mariner's Mile/Westcliff
Live Entertainment Sunday Nights with Mike McKenna & Brian Barrett
Date(s) - 09/01/2019 - 12/29/2019
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Bayside Restaurant
900 Bayside Dr
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Mike McKenna and Brian Barrett join musical forces on Sunday evenings at Bayside Restaurant’s grand piano. In years passed, Barrett’s guitar playing expertise has been in demand around town at the Quiet Woman and Sid’s, while McKenna’s jazz and popular music trio enjoyed a 5-year stint at the Villa Nova Restaurant. Both of these seasoned musicians have performed constantly in many Newport Beach live music venues over the years. Bistango, Bayside’s sister restaurant, also enjoyed their sounds separately, in recent times. McKenna and Barrett’s acoustic piano and guitar duo now combine years of recording and live music experience, performing styles such as traditional jazz standards, rhythm & blues, classic rock and popular American Songbook selections
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