EVENTSin Newport Beach

Fashion Island
National Library Week
Date(s) - 04/12/2015 - 04/18/2015
All Day
Newport Beach Public Library
1000 Avocado Avenue
Newport Beach, CA 92660
The Newport Beach Public Library will join libraries across the country in celebration of National Library Week, April 12-18, 2015. Special programs for youth and adults are scheduled at all four Newport Beach Public Library locations. National Library Week is celebrated across the country each April to honor the contributions of our nation’s libraries, to promote library use and support, and encourage reading.
Schedule of Events
Sunday, April 12
World Class Swimmer Lynne Cox | Central Library, 2pm
Meet children’s book author and renowned long-distance, open-water swimmer, Lynne Cox andhear about her adventures.
Sunday Musicale: The Upside* | Central Library, 3pm
Enjoy classical/jazz with this crossover ensemble.
Monday, April 13
It’s Your Estate: A Look at Advanced Health Care Directives | Central Library, 10am
Part of an eight-week series of workshops providing attendees with education and practical solutions to financial and estate planning issues, so they can be in charge of their estates during their lifetimes and beyond.
Tuesday, April 14
Tuesdays @ 2: Introduction to Proquest | Central Library, 2pm
Proquest has a wide variety of scholarly journals, magazines and historical newspapers.
Wednesday, April 15
Magic by Eli* | CDM Branch Library, 3pm
Join us for a rollicking good time filled with magic and comedy.
Thursday, April 16
Jack in the Beanstalk Puppet Show* | Balboa Library, 3:30pm
Children will love this entertaining, interactive show with original songs and beautiful handmade puppets.
Friday, April 17
Witte Lecture Series: Governor Jennifer Granholm “Cracking the Code on How to Grow Jobs in the U.S.” | Central Library | 7pm
A NBPL Foundation event. Ticket Information: nbplfoundation.org
Saturday, April 18
Witte Lecture Series: Governor Jennifer Granholm “Cracking the Code on How to Grow Jobs in the U.S.” | Central Library | 2pm
A NBPL Foundation event. Ticket Information: nbplfoundation.org
Annie Banannie Balloon Storyteller* | Mariners Library, 3pm
Celebrate NLW with an amazing display of balloon art and storytelling.
With the exception of the Witte Lecture Series, events are free. Seating is first-come, first serve, limited by room capacity.
For more information on National Library Week in the City of Newport Beach, call (949) 717-3800 or visit the website at www.newportbeachlibrary.org
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