EVENTSin Newport Beach

Back Bay
Newport Beach Author’s Workshop and Book Fair
Date(s) - 10/05/2014
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
The Newport Beach Tennis Club
2601 East Bluff Dr.
Newport Beach, CA 92660
The Author’s Workshop is restricted to authors and potential authors only. Space is limited. Call or e-mail for an application form. The deadline is September 30. Learn how to pitch your new book idea, prepare a winning book proposal, and promote your published work, by attending one of two Tracks:
Track 1: Topics for New Authors
9:00 AM The Query Letter
9:30 Winning Book Proposals
10:30 Coffee break and networking
11:00 The manuscript (photos, maps, editing)
12:00 Buffet lunch and keynote speaker
1:00 PM Set up for Book Fair
Track 2: Topics for Established Authors
9:00 AM Writing effective author’s pages
9:30 Effective book signings and lectures
10:30 Coffee break and networking
11:00 Promoting your book on social media
BOOK FAIR 1:30 to 5:30 PM
The Book Fair features new and established Southern California authors. Authors will be present to discuss and sign their books for interested readers. The Book Fair is open to the public. There is no charge for attending. Book categories include Fiction, Non-fiction, Photography, and Children’s books. A no-host bar will be available to all attendees.
There is ample free parking at the Tennis Club. From the north, take the 405 or 73 freeways south to Jamboree Blvd. Exit south on Jamboree and turn right on East Bluff Road. From the south, take Pacific Coast Highway to Jamboree Blvd. Proceed north on Jamboree and turn left on East Bluff Road.
Call (949) 673-2549 for general information. For author’s registration materials, e-mail craig@docksideconsultants.com. For the latest program updates, go to www.lidovillagebooks.com.
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