EVENTSin Newport Beach

Balboa Village
Simply Sustainable Seafood Fest
Date(s) - 06/08/2014
3:00 am - 6:00 pm
600 East Bay Avenue
Newport Beach, CA 92661
Please join us in celebration of World Oceans Day for ExplorOcean’s first Simply Sustainable Seafood Fest!
Come listen to a discussion about how seafood is raised, caught, and cooked with Debbie Johnson from KZO Education-Long Beach, CA and Dr. Wendy Marshall, Director of Education from ExplorOcean.
After the discussion join us for a tasting social on the patio with appetizers, beer & wine, live steel drummer, handmade home goods for sale, and activities for children.
All proceeds raised from this event directly benefit ExplorOcean’s K-12 STEM and ocean literacy based programs!
Admission includes: Panel discussion, live entertainment, drinks, appetizers, desserts, children’s ocean-themed activities.
A special thank you to ExplorOcean’s 10 Knots Volunteer Association for their support!
Sunday, June 8, 2014
3pm – 6pm | Doors open at 30 minutes in advance of discussion
Members: $25 or Non-Members: $35 (Children 10 and under: $5)
Please no strollers.
Tickets may be purchased at the door
To purchase tickets please call (949) 675-8915, email rsvp@explorocean.org or register at www.explorocean.org.
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