EVENTSin Newport Beach

Corona del Mar
Date(s) - 02/15/2022 - 05/31/2022
10:30 am - 4:00 pm
Sherman Library and Gardens
2647 East Coast Hwy
Corona del Mar, CA 92625
The public is invited to view a new Sherman Library exhibit entitled “The Persuasive Past of Orange County,” featuring photographs, maps, brochures and artwork, highlighting Orange County cities’ greatest qualities. The exhibit illustrates Orange County’s transition from farmlands, to oil fields, to major metropolitan areas. For more than 100 years, Orange County cities have worked hard to lure new residents to set down roots in Southern California. Cities created brochures, booklets, pamphlets, and other advertisements that promised rich soil, plentiful water, state of the art roads and rail lines, all set within a perfect climate for both agriculture and leisure. They also offered affordable housing, beautiful beaches, green parks, good schools, modern libraries, new museums, and many other local attractions. Often, the cities’ publicity materials would highlight the ease of travel to the desert, mountains, or beaches.
“Many of these advertisements have been lost to time. Sherman Library is fortunate to have a robust collection of such items in its archives. Water, transportation, oil, gas, agriculture, population growth, and development are all key themes of Sherman Library’s collection. These printed items currently on display are an exceptional resource for understanding the Southern California wonderland,” said Jill Thrasher, Library Director at Sherman Library & Gardens.
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