SPECIAL OFFERSin Newport Beach

Mariner's Mile/Westcliff
Buy $100 gift card, Get $15 bonus card at Starfish
191 Riverside Ave,
Newport Beach, CA
Offer Valid: November 21, 2023 Until December 31, 2023
It is time to stock up for the holiday season. Perfect for all your social and corporate gifting needs. Purchase a $100 Starfish gift card and receive a $15 bonus card. Any multiples totaling $100 is eligible to receive the bonus gift card. Bonus card amounts can be combined. No expiration dates associated with bonus cards. For larger orders, online purchases or corporate gifting please contact marketing@starfishcalifornia.com.
ON offer
Visit Newport Beach Inc. has partnered with various hotels, restaurants, transportation services, the boating community and health and wellness groups to offer deep discounts. The best Newport Beach deals are here.