in Newport Beach

Fashion Island
CUCINA enoteca Wellness Week Menu
951 Newport Center Dr
Newport Beach, CA
Offer Valid: August 24, 2018 Until August 30, 2018
Wellness Week Offer: ancient grain bowl + choice of protein + glass of CUCINA chardonnay for $25.
Many ancient grains are gluten-free, versatile and have stood the test of time. They contain essential vitamins, are high in fiber, omega-3s and protein. Combined with seasonal vegetables and choice of protein, you have a healthy and filling lunch to carry keep your wellness on track and body nourished. And, don’t forget to pair your grain bowl with a glass of wine that has beneficial antioxidants too!
ON offer
Visit Newport Beach Inc. has partnered with various hotels, restaurants, transportation services, the boating community and health and wellness groups to offer deep discounts. The best Newport Beach deals are here.