SPECIAL OFFERSin Newport Beach

Corona del Mar
Electric Bikes are More Fun at Half the Price!
2515 East Coast Hwy
Corona Del Mar, CA
Offer Valid: September 08, 2023 Until October 31, 2023
Purchase a Pedego Electric Bike All-Day rental, receive companion rental bike FREE! Advance reservation and payment required. Call 949-612-7989 to make reservation. Use code “Hello Fun” to receive offer. Second bike must be used same time. Based on availability. Riders must be 16 years old and over. Renter must be 18 years old and over with valid Credit Card and Driver’s License. Rental hours 10am – 4:30pm Tuesday – Sunday. Closed on Mondays. Not valid with any other offer. 2515 E. Coast Hwy., Corona Del Mar, CA 92625
ON offer
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