SPECIAL OFFERSin Newport Beach

Back Bay
Newport Dunes Disney Package
131 Back Bay Drive
Newport Beach, CA
Offer Valid: August 17, 2015 Until August 31, 2015
Newport Beach Diamond Getaway Promotion
Book 2 nights in a Beachfront RV site or Beachfront Cottage and receive 2 adult Disneyland® Resort 1-Day, 1-Park ticket and a $50 gift certificate to the Back Bay Bistro.
Book 3 nights in a Beachfront RV site or Beachfront Cottage and receive 3 adult Disneyland® Resort 1-Day, 1-Park ticket and a $75 gift certificate to the Back Bay Bistro.
Rates will start at $322 per night for Beachfront RV sites and $350 per night for Beachfront Cottages and will vary based on availability.
Terms & Conditions
Offer valid for new reservations booked for 8/17/2015 – 8/31/2015 while supplies last. Offer good for New reservations only. No other discounts available for this package.
ON offer
Visit Newport Beach Inc. has partnered with various hotels, restaurants, transportation services, the boating community and health and wellness groups to offer deep discounts. The best Newport Beach deals are here.