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September Food Holidays

National Chicken Month National Honey Month National Mushroom Month National Papaya Month National Potato Month National Rice Month Daily Holidays September 1 National Gyro Day September 2 National “Grits for Breakfast” Day September 3 National Welsh Rarebit Day National Baby Back Ribs Day September 4 National Macadamia Nut Day September 5 National Cheese Pizza Day…

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August Food Holidays

National Catfish Month National Panini Month National Peach Month National Sandwich Month Daily Holidays August 1 National Raspberry Cream Pie Day August 2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day August 3 National Watermelon Day August 4 National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day August 5 National Oyster Day August 6 National Root Beer Float Day August 7 National…

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July Food Holidays

National Baked Bean Month National Culinary Arts Month National Hot Dog Month National Ice Cream Month National Picnic Month National Pickle Month Daily Holidays July 1 National Gingersnap Day July 2 National Anisette Day July 3 National Chocolate Wafer Day July 4 National Barbecue Day Caesar Salad Day July 5 National Apple Turnover Day July…

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Business Succession Planning

Sponsored Post Business Succession Planning, by Gary Edkins, Financial Planner, CA Insurance License #: 0624963 When a business owner dies, for restaurants or any other industry, the enterprise or surviving owners will likely have a new business partner…the decedent’s widow or next of kin, a probate judge, executor, or corporate trustee. If the form of…

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Splendors From The Sea

Restaurants along the coast showcase fish from around the world in a bevy of unique preparations. Yes, we like it filleted, sautéed, simmered, shucked, fried, grilled and just plain raw. With spring just around the corner, we thought we would highlight some of the wonderful dishes on the menus about town. From casual dining to…

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Why Every Salesperson Should Build a Personal Brand

Everyone’s heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”. This statement could not ring more true in business, especially for those in sales. As a salesperson, the primary goal is to get the sale, and the best way to do that is to not only sell your product or…

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Colors to Inspire Creativity & Productivity

You have been familiar with it all your life. You are constantly surrounded by it. You can clearly see it, but more importantly you can feel it. Have you guessed what ‘it’ is? If you guessed ‘color’, you’re right. Bright and bold or soft and subtle, color is something we humans usually take for granted….

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The Power of a Handwritten Thank You Note

You open your mailbox and there it is, an envelope amidst the pile of unwanted ads, coupons, and bills. A feeling of excitement and suspense grips you while you eagerly open it wondering what’s inside. Much to your surprise and delight it’s from a company you recently did business with, thanking you for your patronage…

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10 Perfect Places to “Pop The Question”

Valentine’s Day (or in this case, the long Presidents’ weekend) is one of the most popular times for engagements. To that end, we have done some leg-work to find some really special spots to ensure a very romantic and thoughtful pronouncement. Proposing to someone is an exciting time. It is designed to be memorable, unique…

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7 Creative Corporate Event Ideas to Energize the Annual Awards Dinner

Check out these creative corporate event ideas to energize your event!   For many companies, the beginning of a new year marks the planning of the very necessary but often, yawn, dare we say it dull, data-laden and well, kind of boring annual awards dinner – ouch! So, how do you do away with the…

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