Our dough is made from 100% certified organic wheat prepared fresh every day, hand thrown and fire baked until uniquely crisp. We combine select ingredients such as Wisconsin skim mozzarella, 100% certified organic tomato sauce, MSG free pepperoni, and additive free sausage. Even our fresh produce sets us apart. Exotic delights like Cremini and Shitaki mushrooms, roasted eggplant, pili pili and truffle oil, pine nuts, Greek olives, roasted bell peppers and caramelized onions assure you’ll never experience a bland, boring, blasé pizza. The same holds true for our gourmet salads and sandwiches. That said we hope you enjoy our unique and authentic recipes as much as we enjoy making them for you.
RESTAURANTSin newport beach
Newport Coast/Crystal Cove
Z Pizza – Crystal Cove
- Beer & Wine
- Casual Dining
- Delivery
- Gluten Free
- Kid Friendly
- Outdoor Dining
- Take Out