Why Should a Meeting Planner Choose your Brand

Marketing and sales go hand in hand. Understanding the target market and how to appeal to that market is key to sales success. Yet the way we go about reaching that market is often so similar particularly in the hospitality industry that there is often no differentiator helping one company or destination rise above the crowd. Creating the buzz that will set you apart is a major concern for both marketing and sales teams. But far too often the appeal gets lost in verbiage. Take a look at the following descriptions from a few properties and destinations, which of these stands out to you? Why should a meeting planner choose these brands?
“Beautiful ocean views, enticing amenities, spacious rooms and distinctive service.”
“Expect the best at our remarkable , with gorgeous ocean views, outstanding rooms and unparalleled service.”
“Enjoy the best of the good life with upscale amenities, unparalleled service, beautiful coastal views from well appointed hotels.”
Can you guess where these properties are located? Do any of them sound unique? Do they make you want to delve a little deeper and set up a site inspection? Would it surprise you that each of these descriptions are referring to properties on the west coast, east coast and the Caribbean. Words have power, but when the same verbiage is strung together over and over again that power dissipates quickly leaving the reader lost in a sea of sameness.
When it comes to trying to differentiate your company from others, the first instinct is to turn up the adjectives. But this is where the potential issues arise. Rather than describing why your business, venue, or hotel is the best option, many gravitate towards overly used clichés such as, best-kept secret, exceeding expectations, above and beyond, luxurious, and seamless. Terms like these not only hide your business in a jungle of overused words, but they also prevent your clients from discerning the important information about your company and why they should choose you.
How can you help meeting planners see the value in your brand?
Appeal to the emotions. Think in terms of the feelings you want to evoke. What do you want people to remember? If it’s the fact that your location has beautiful views, great, but that memory will soon fade because it’s not the views people will hang on to, it’s how those views make them feel. The human mind holds on to images. Research shows that when emotions are tapped the sensation the memory elicits is not only felt, it’s seen in the mind’s eye.
Rather than, “we have unique meeting and event centers”, focus on details that paint a picture of how the space can be used to create a memorable program. Illustrate the experience they’ll enjoy rather than trying to spruce up facts with glorified adjectives.
Today’s high tech world makes it easier to let images do the talking. Consider sharing ideas and photos that highlight an active experience rather than a pretty space. What are some of your signature experiences? Do you have activities, cuisine, music, or special events that are indicative of your area? Think in terms of what makes this experience unique to your destination. If the answer is not so obvious, then ask others what they find so special about the area.
Make your brand the top choice for meeting planners
Newport Beach, CA is fortunate in that it offers several unique experiences. For example, guests can take their cocktail hour out on the water much like the locals do. One of the favorite activities and mode of dinner transportation is aboard Duffy electric boats. These quietly comfortable boats can easily pull up dockside to any of the group friendly restaurants lining the harbor. Planners have also turned to the area’s popular electric Pedego bikes for a scenic transfer from hotel to event space.
For a truly fun, historic experience, groups can partake in a long-standing tradition at one of Newport Beach’s beloved sites, Crystal Cove State Beach. Back in the 1940’s one of Crystal Cove’s local residents, Doc Shearer would gather a group around the flagpole outside his cabana at four o’clock. Everyone stood and saluted as Doc blew reveille on his bugle and raised the flag his wife had sewn, a simple black flag bearing the outline of a martini glass. That tradition continues today, only now the flag is raised each evening at five, and is known as the raising of the martini flag!
Differentiating yourself from the competition takes far more than words. Painting a picture of the experience groups will enjoy can help both meeting planners and their clients feel that difference at a sensory level.
Newport Beach has numerous areas, properties and activities that innately reveal the very essence of the destination touching both the emotions and senses. When you’re ready to check out all that Newport Beach has in store for your group connect with Visit Newport Beach, the destination marketing organization for Newport Beach, CA. Visit Newport Beach opens the doors to this Pacific paradise with destination expertise, customized site visits, strong partnerships and resources that ease the planning process.