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Fire Relief Information & Resources



Up the ROI of Your FAM Event

Aaahhh the FAM trip, often a love/hate experience. On one hand FAM’s or Familiarization Trips are a great way to pool your resources and share the best of your destination. On the other hand they can be extremely time consuming…

10 Tech Gadgets that Simplify Business Travel

Meetings, deadlines, site visits, client calls, trade shows, listen we get it you’re on-the-go and the last thing you need is the headache of finding a charging station, waiting on slow internet or losing important files! To help keep you…

5 Refreshing Themes to Elevate Corporate Events

Coming up with new ideas for your next corporate event can be a bit daunting, especially when you have a group comprised of a wide age range. Creating something fresh, unique and just plain fun seems to be a common…

How to Boost Trade Show ROI

Now that you’ve spent the larger part of your sales and marketing budget on your trade show display, you hope it translates into a positive return on your investment. Trade shows do offer a fantastic platform to increase awareness for…

Ideal Group Activities in Newport Beach CA

Henry Ford once said, “coming together is the beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”. Ford clearly understood the amount of effort and time required to have a team or group of any size collaborate effectively. The success…

The Must Haves for Meeting Planners Booking Space

A perfect venue is one of the most essential parts in holding an amazing event! It provides the backdrop, sets the tone and the overall vibe from which everything stems. The venue will be the first impression your guests will…

Why Visit Newport Beach is “Voting Travel” in 2016

As the 2016 presidential election season progresses, heated debates will ensue from cable news to the kitchen table. While partisan politics may get divisive, there’s one thing that anyone—blue, red or purple—can get behind this year: the power of travel…

How to Market to the Millennial Mind

Charles Day an executive coach to some of the world’s most renowned leaders and founder of the leadership development agency, The Lookinglass states, “The Millennial Generation has arrived. 60% of the workforce are millennials. They are not motivated by money.…