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Creating Immersive Meetings & Events Tapping Mind, Body & Spirit

Tapping mind, body and spirit naturally.

These days it seems everywhere you turn there’s an organic restaurant or new yoga studio about to open. With more and more people opting for lifestyle changes that promote an overall sense of well-being, the demand for health-conscious fare and stress relieving sessions is quickly growing. Holistic is becoming the new meeting buzzword. As meeting planners, you know how vital it is to capitalize on these popular interests. But beyond staying up to date on the latest trends, wrapping wellness offerings into your group programs can have an extremely positive impact on physical and mental agility.

The need for immersive whole person experiences

According to the Centers for Disease Control, it is “highly common and very likely for stress to turn into chronic disease.” That disease can then cost a company up to a quarter of a trillion dollars each year due to loss of productivity along with the expense of covering employees’ sick days. With numbers that high, companies must look for ways to create an immersive whole person experience. Whether those experiences are delivered through on-going health conscious meetings or periodic events, the goal is to create a whole person experience tapping mind, body, and spirit, thus reducing stress, which in turn boosts creativity and productivity.

Here are a few simple, but effective ways you can create the whole person experience at your next group program:

Mind – Helping an active mind or even a sluggish mind focus and become more productive can be achieved simply by scheduling short activity breaks during long events or meetings. Ditch the caffeine and opt instead for periodic sessions that force event goers to break their seated positions in favor of getting up and moving around the room! This could be as simple as offering a facilitated yoga/stretch break. If you’re looking for a complete change of pace, move outside conference room walls and into fresh air. It’s amazing what a little sun stimulation can do for your energy levels!

Body – The National Cancer Institute estimates that about 40 percent of the population will contract cancer at some point during their lifetime. However, they also note that nutrition and diet can play a huge role in prevention. This doesn’t mean that you have to go completely vegan or exist solely on a raw diet. In actuality, ‘preventative nutrition’ is a lot easier than it sounds!

Most of the spices and foods that are linked with nutrient-rich properties are items you probably have in your cupboard! For example, antioxidants found in garlic and onions have been found to protect against illnesses such as heart disease, while consumption of ginger and turmeric can decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s. Also, super-foods such as quinoa and organically grown produce have become a staple on restaurant and hotel menus.

The next time you plan your food and beverage menu, opt for a nutrient-dense, well-balanced meal that will not only satisfy your attendees but also set them on the right track to health and well-being!

In addition to an antioxidant, nutrient-rich diet; exercise is key to a healthy well-balanced lifestyle. So get outside and enjoy nature! Groups heading west for their meetings will find plenty of opportunities to connect with nature and boost their endorphins in the coastal community of Newport Beach, CA, This year-round destination makes it easy to create an immersive experience. Activities such as hiking, biking, kayaking, outrigger canoeing and stand up paddle boarding (SUP) easily allow guests to connect with nature while enjoying a bit of exercise.

Spirit – We are so conditioned to being on 24/7, with smartphones practically stuck to our hip it’s no wonder we may have a hard time just shutting down. Doing more doesn’t necessarily make us more productive. As human beings, we need breaks to thrive. Relaxation decreases the effects of stress, helping individuals replenish their reserves. Studies out reveal that relaxation slows the heart and breathing rate, lowers blood pressure, reduces tension and improves overall mood. In contrast, staring at a computer screen, tablet or phone before going to bed will keep the mind active and inhibit the ability to relax. Now you know why you may not be getting a decent night sleep!

More effective ways to unwind include listening to music, reading a book or drinking a cup of caffeine-free herbal tea. Many hotels are doing their part to aid in relaxation by stocking rooms with lavender soaps and lotions, providing special pillows and linens, lavender aromatherapy spritzers and organic, caffeine-free teas.

When you’re looking for natural ways to create an immersive, whole person experience at your next group program, contact the staff at Visit Newport Beach, the destination marketing organization for Newport Beach, CA. Visit Newport Beach opens the doors to this coastal paradise with destination expertise, customized site visits, strong partnerships and resources that ease the planning process.

Written By: Visit Newport Beach Meetings

As a not-for-profit Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), Visit Newport Beach provides destination expertise, customized site visits, strong partnerships and resources tailored specifically to the needs of meeting planners and their clients.

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