Nature Offers Big Benefits to Meetings

Nature is known to have a powerful impact on the human psyche. It is one of the most potent energy boosters offering a wide-range of benefits. Switching up your meeting space by heading outdoors and tapping into nature’s power can deliver a huge lift to your groups’ mental and physical well-being. Here are several perks of holding your meeting outside:
5 key benefits nature offers to meetings
1.) Heightened creativity and productivity
“Nature therapy” otherwise known as “time outside” can improve cognitive functioning with no adverse side effects. A study out of Harvard found that people immersed in nature boosted their performance on a creative problem-solving test by as much as 50 percent. Dr. Eva M. Selhub, co-author of Your Brain on Nature explains the results saying that nature “stimulates reward neurons in your brain… It turns off the sensors that are involved in the body’s natural stress response allowing the higher brain centers to be accessed.” The result is improved concentration, heightened creativity and productivity and reduced mental fatigue.
2.) Restored mental energy
You know that feeling when you just can’t seem to ‘kick it into gear’? Where your mind just seems to shut down and any hope of a creative thought seems miles away? Researchers call this “mental fatigue.” A sure fix to shifting your mind back into gear is by exposing it to an uplifting environment, which, according to researchers at Harvard University, is found in nature. In fact, one study found that mental energy was elevated even when individuals simply looked at pictures of nature.
3.) Improved concentration
Simply put; nature is restorative. It has the ability to restore waning concentration, alertness, and overall mental sharpness. Psychologists have found that people who have a diminished ability to concentrate were able to focus more intently and score higher on tests once they had taken a walk outside. Researchers have concluded that nature has such a profound affect on concentration that it may just serve as a safe way to manage ADHD symptoms.
4.) Stress relief
The great outdoors is also a natural stress reducer. A study group sent into the forest for two nights had lower levels of cortisol — a hormone used as a marker for stress — than those who spent two nights in the city. The group also showed a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, leading researchers to conclude that nature has a significant impact on stress levels.
5.) Creative brainstorming
Bringing your meeting outdoors automatically sets the tone for a much more relaxed atmosphere which can help inspire creativity. Gone are the distractions of cell phones and notepads, giving way to social interaction. An interactive group is a creative group.
Tapping into nature’s big benefits to meetings
Holding your meetings outside surrounded by nature’s beauty, clean air and sunshine is an easy way to get that dose of nature proven to heighten mental insight. By removing yourself from familiar office surroundings, you can literally step outside the box and feel freer to brainstorm ideas.
If nature’s benefits are so powerful that even photos can help boost mental agility, imagine the rewards of actually being in fresh air and, in the case of Newport Beach, CA on the water. Newport Beach’s natural coastal beauty offers groups access to the many perks of outdoor meetings with its numerous waterfront patios, open air meeting rooms and private yachts.
When you’re ready to begin organizing your next group meeting, contact the staff at Visit Newport Beach, the destination marketing organization for Newport Beach, CA. Visit Newport Beach opens the doors to this Pacific paradise with destination expertise, customized site visits, strong partnerships with valuable resources.