Organizing Green Meetings & Events That Won’t Compromise Quality

With the rise of a health-conscious society, many events are now opting for unique, eco-friendly approaches that will help reduce their carbon footprint. In response to this movement, “green events” have emerged as the modern day “reduce, reuse, recycle”, quickly living up to all the buzz-worthy praise. The Convention Industry Council (CIC) describes a green event as one that integrates environmental impacts into the wide spanned event planning process, minimizing waste and promoting sustainable actions.
Think about the last program you attended or planned. How many people attended? What about the food and beverage – were meals served or perhaps there was a refreshment table? How long did the event last? And lastly, what happened to all the waste?
MeetGreen has complied the following eye-opening stats to address these questions. It is estimated that at a typical five-day conference with 2,500 attendees, will use upwards of:
- 60,000 plates
- 87,500 napkins
- 75,000 cups
- 90,000 cans or bottles
MeetGreen points out that this is just one event and if multiplied by the hundreds of thousands of meetings and events planned per year, the environmental impacts can be tremendous!
Now, with all this in mind it begs the questions: Shouldn’t we all strive to make our meetings and events more sustainable and environmentally friendly? Of course! Not only will we be saving the environment, we’ll also be building a positive company reputation. According to Brewer Science, “Implementing eco-friendly practices at your business lets the community know that you have a commitment to a better future and that your business is invested in the well-being of our environment.”
3 tips to organizing green meetings & events
To help meeting planners looking to organize green meetings & events without compromising quality, we’ve complied the following tips:
1.) Select a GREEN Venue – A perfect venue is imperative to the success of any event, but looking beyond the space, guest accommodations and overall vibe is something not many meeting planners do. One of the best ways to decrease your event’s carbon footprint is by finding the perfect eco-friendly venue. This means selecting modern spaces with up-to-date efficient systems that conserve electricity through lighting and smart temperature controls. It also doesn’t hurt to be familiar with venue’s waste management process when it comes to recycling and composting. In fact, many hotels’ now have a “green certification” which can resolve all of your food waste concerns and serve your attendees with several environmentally friendly alternatives!
Meeting planners looking at Newport Beach for their next destination meeting can rest assured that they will not have to forgo quality in order to save the environment. Resorts and hotels throughout Newport Beach have been working diligently on reducing their carbon footprint and not just by implementing low flow toilets and CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs, but by completely revolutionizing every aspect of their establishments, including the way in which they host businesses.
The Hyatt Regency Newport Beach has taken monumental steps towards sustainability in the past few years and plans on continuing this trend in the future. Hyatt has a “green team” to educate the staff on how to be more eco-friendly and to create new strategies to further the resort’s sustainability efforts. The “green team” has introduced ideas such as using left over fryer oil to create bio-diesel, composting all food waste, and encouraging buying from local growers, all of which have helped the resort become one of the most eco-friendly properties in Orange Country.
Likewise, Island Hotel Newport Beach has also been making huge strides in becoming a green property. In addition to doing laundry less often, utilizing low flow toilets, showerheads and using biodegradable containers made solely from recycled materials, 80% of the hotel’s meeting rooms rely on natural lighting.
Additionally, Balboa Bay Resort is considered an environmentalist’s dream, having won Southern California Edison’s Integrated Demand Side Management Award for energy solutions.
Donations can go a long way in organizing green meetings
2.) Donating Leftovers – An excessive amount of leftovers is given with just about any event requiring food service. According to the National Resources Defense Council, it is estimated that about 40 percent of all food served in the United States goes uneaten. Imagine being able to package and donate that uneaten food to local shelters or soup kitchens! Not only would this capture your attendee’s attention, but also spark action within the community holding the event, to create more sustainable practices.
3.) Donating Time – Meeting planners seem to always be looking for new ways to get their group immersed in the local scene. A great way to do this is with a CSR activity. Consider incorporating a beach cleanup or perhaps a garden/harvesting session into your program. Groups meeting in Newport Beach can learn about sustainable gardening and pick fresh seasonal ingredients for a healthy meal, thanks to the combined efforts of two local businesses. Newport Beach’s Farmhouse Café has teamed with Roger’s Gardens to create a sustainable field-to-fork dining experience.
By adding these eco-friendly tips to your program not only will you be helping the environment, you’ll be giving your group the gift of going green!
Whether you need help selecting the ideal ‘green’ hotel or determining an environmentally conscious activity, turn to the staff at Visit Newport Beach, the destination marketing organization for Newport Beach, CA. Visit Newport Beach opens the doors to this Pacific paradise with destination expertise, customized site visits, strong partnerships with valuable resources.