Springs Fresh Trends Ignite Creativity, Collaboration and Productivity

Spring has sprung and that means an array of bright colors and styles. Yep it’s that time of year when freshness prevails. But what does this have to do with your corporate meetings and events, in a word – plenty. Spring is the blossoming of nature in all its glory, and apparently, we as humans thrive on nature. In fact, there’s a term for this it’s called biophilia, which basically refers to man’s innate love for nature.
This year, nature and color top the list of spring’s fresh trends as they reflect the current cultural climate of an environmentally conscious, balanced lifestyle or so says the world’s leading authority on color, Pantone. The fresh new colors that spring brings are linked to improved mood and heightened creativity. This spring, Pantone has introduced colors that pull directly from nature and when used in the business setting can help spark creativity, collaboration and productivity.
Springs fresh trends found naturally in Newport Beach, CA
This year’s top color from Pantone, ‘Greenery’ is a refreshing, revitalizing yellow-green shade that echoes the first days of spring when nature’s greens renew.
Greenery is not to be confused with its deeper, richer sister Emerald, which symbolizes luxury. Greenery actually taps into the opposite: simplicity and an appreciation of nature’s beauty.
While we have become increasingly reliant on technology, especially during meetings and events, there seems to be a cry for balance and to convene with nature. Laurie Pressman, the Pantone Color Institute’s vice president, says Greenery is “about unity and community—connecting to oneself and others and a higher purpose, Nature.” It’s about tapping into the creative genius found in nature.
Add to this a study out of Germany, pointing to evidence that the color green; specifically the green found in nature’s growing plants may, as lead researcher Dr. Stephanie Lichtenfeld says, “Serve as a cue that evokes the motivation to strive for improvement and task mastery.”
So if you are looking to ignite creativity try adding greenery, not just in your linens but pull directly from nature itself. Bring both of spring’s fresh trends, nature and color into your meeting space by adding centerpieces of fresh coastal sage or simply tucking a few sprigs into napkin or even swag bag ties. This is especially easy for groups meeting in Newport Beach, California since sage grows in abundance along our coastal bluff tops!
Need to up the energy at your group meeting? Turn to vibrant, cheery yellow. A color associated with bright, sunny days, yellow can turn up the energy by reflecting a destination that’s alive with activity and enthusiasm. Naturally adding this lively color is a breeze in Newport Beach, which has plenty of indoor/outdoor flexible meeting spaces and close to 300 days of sunshine annually. Take the energy and fun up notch and spark collaboration by adding splashes of yellow throughout your meeting space and centerpieces filled with fresh California citrus.
When its time to get your group focused and boost productivity turn to one of Newport Beach’s most predominate colors, blue. While the ocean is associated with serenity it is also a focus color. Psychologists universally agree that calmness and productivity go hand-in-hand. Which may seem like a bit of an oxymoron but this is because the mind needs to be relaxed in order to focus. Think of it this way, a high-energy mind is buzzing about, active, talking, sharing, moving, whereas a calm peaceful mind is stable, relaxed, on point and focused. So, when its time to get down to brass tacks, add splashes of blue or better yet consider holding your meeting beachside or aboard a private yacht.
Achieve meeting objectives by adding spring’s fresh trends
Nature’s colors can clearly set the tone for meetings. Once we determine the objectives and the emotions we want to induce: creativity (green), collaboration (yellow), or productivity (blue), we can call upon nature’s own elements to achieve those objectives. As Dr. Lichtenfeld says, “Even very subtle stimuli, such as nature and color, can influence our motivation, cognition, and behavior,”
When you’re looking to boost creativity, collaboration, and productivity bring your meeting to Newport Beach, CA where spring’s fresh trends always seem to be in bloom. As you begin organizing your next group meeting contact the staff at Visit Newport Beach, the destination marketing organization for Newport Beach, CA. Visit Newport Beach opens the doors to this coastal paradise with destination expertise, customized site visits, strong partnerships and resources that ease the planning process.