Tapping Productivity and Creativity Naturally

Escaping the hustle and bustle of the city and stepping into nature can be an instant stress buster. Nature nurtures your soul, quiets your mind and expands your consciousness. Even just a few moments spent basking in nature’s glory can boost endorphins sending a “relax” signal to the brain, and creating a shift from a fast paced, spinning wheels productivity to a quiet, creative, almost intuitive productivity. A skill, which scientists at the University of Michigan believe is far more beneficial to overall performance.
Whether it’s a walk along a pristine beach, a paddle through quaint channels or a hike through sage lined bluffs, mental sharpness escalates when surrounded by nature. In fact, science tells us if you want to grow smarter, walk in nature. University of Michigan Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, John Jonides, found that participants in a nature walk showed a 20 percent improvement in mental performance compared no improvement when they returned from a walk through the city.
Attune to nature’s power and tap creativity
“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” ~ William Shakespeare
While science remains focused on examining the brain’s potentials for the sake of productivity, mystics, artists and poets focus on the benefits to the human spirit. Their words about nature offer us a more transcendent view of the relationship between ourselves and nature, thus revealing the powerful effect nature has on mind, body and spirit. A power that Newport Beach’s first inhabitants were quite familiar with.
Thousands of years before Spanish and later, American settlers staked their claim to Newport Beach, the Native American Gabrielino and Juaneno tribes inhabited the area. It’s no secret that Native Americans consider land to be sacred and nature the great nurturer and teacher. According to an article in the Washington Post, Native Americans relied on nature not only for physical sustenance but mental as well. Native Americans believe the rocks, trees, and flora offer valuable insight from the spirits of ancestors.
Lean on the lessons nature teaches
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ~ Albert Einstein
Clearly Native Americans were not the only people to understand the lessons inherent in nature. Even Einstein turned to nature for deeper knowledge. Stepping outside into the intrinsic beauty of nature sharpens our mental agility. It’s nearly impossible not to be inspired by the elaborate design of the natural world. When we are able to take time to witness the beauty of nature, we can tap the power nature provides.
Imagine being in a destination where the extraordinary benefits of nature are readily available, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. You’ll find such a place in Newport Beach, CA. This natural coastal beauty offers groups’ access to the many perks of outdoor meetings with its numerous waterfront venues, open air meeting rooms and private yachts.
When you’re ready to begin organizing your next group meeting, contact the staff at Visit Newport Beach, the destination marketing organization for Newport Beach, CA. Visit Newport Beach opens the doors to this Pacific paradise with destination expertise, customized site visits, strong partnerships with valuable resources.