ExplorOcean Offers Fun and Exciting Activities for Families
As parents, you’re always looking for fun, different ways to spend time with your children. Join ExplorOcean in Newport Beach for Wednesday Sea Tales and Science Saturdays! On the first and third Wednesdays of every month, families can enjoy storytime, songs and play as they discover the wonders of the sea. They even have an interactive early childhood program for children ages 3 to 5 that includes crafts, touch tanks, and a gallery tour. Admission to Sea Tales is $5 for members and $7 for non-members; advance payment is required to confirm your reservation.
In addition to Sea Tales, mark your calendar for Science Saturdays! Every Saturday, ExplorOcean offers families hands-on experiences and engaging activities. Parents and children are brought together as they make predictions, ask questions, problem-solve and think like scientists. Each month explore a new theme based on the Ocean Literacy Principles. Science Saturdays are free and offered to children of all ages. For more information or to make your reservation for these fun, family-friendly activities, please visit www.explorocean.org.